About The Grove

Learn to be a Shaman

In the course of three years, the Woven Energy Podcast on Shamanism became first the UK's, and then the World's, leading podcast on practical, technique-based Shamanism.

Our initial purpose in launching the podcast (and later its sister podcast, Heretics by Woven Energy) was to provide a counterbalance to the plethora of information and mis-information about imagination-based Shamanism that is rife on the Internet. To a certain extent the podcast has served that purpose already. There is now a wider general recognition that real Shamanism takes a lot of dedication and hard work, and is not just about imagining things, but has both a solid evolutionary role and real, practical application in the real world.

But there is only so much we can do in a podcast's audio-only format, and we have had a constant stream of requests to do something more substantive using video and other media. The Grove is the result.

When we started out on Woven Energy, we wanted to do something different: not just to provide information about Shamanism, or to provide access to the services of a shaman, but to teach people how to actually become shamans. The Grove is our new extension of that greater mission.

The Grove does not replace the Woven Energy Podcast on Shamanism - it is an additional resource for people who are serious about wanting to become shamans. Even in shamanic societies, this is not a path for everyone. It involves learning things that most people are not interested in, and doing things that most people find strange. But the rewards are huge - shamans come to understand Nature at a very fundamental level, through experiential learning of how Nature works behind the scenes. They can apply that understanding to enhance their own lives, and the lives of those around them.